
What came first – the general practice or the niche?

There are lots of people, resources, blogs and law practice management gurus who will tell you that in order to have a successful law firm, you must have a niche.  I agree with that assertion and it took me my first year in practice to understand that.  However the truth of the matter is that many new solos cannot afford to NOT take every case that walks into their door.  Another truth is that no matter how many times they’re told that they should specialize, it’s one of those things in life that can only be learned through experience and time.

I was asked out to lunch by a solo practitioner today and while we were talking, he said something that made me think of writing this post.  I was talking about how he must have a niche practice.  He commented that first he must have a general practice and take whatever comes in through the door and then, once he made enough money, he can market to a nice practice area.

So the question is, what comes first – the general practice or the niche?  What should come first?

In my opinion, you should form a niche practice from the start but you can also feel free to operate a general practice.  In other words, tell people through networking and marketing that you’re a <insert type of law> attorney but in practice, take other cases.  Don’t operate a general practice with no thought of finding a niche until you’re more successful because you’ll never get there.  Remember, no one looks for a general practitioner.  People look for attorneys that specialize.

Years down the line when you’re looking to expand your solo practice like I’m doing right now, remember that the same niche ideology holds true.  While I’m taking on additional associates to do other areas of law such as immigration and bankruptcy, I will always be a divorce attorney.  The distinction is that I’m expanding my firm without diluting my expertise.

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